the Gallery/object : the object
object : the object, 컵
object : the object, 컵
2015.04.27Ricoh GR / GR lens 18.3mm / 황학동, 2015
object : the object, 고무장갑
object : the object, 고무장갑
2015.04.27Ricoh GR / GR lens 18.3mm / 황학동, 2015
object : the object, 토마토
object : the object, 토마토
2015.04.26Ricoh GR / GR lens 18.3mm / 황학동, 2015
object : the object, 오이
object : the object, 오이
2015.04.24Leica M (typ240) / 50mm noctilux-m, 4th / 황학동, 2015
object : the object, 당근
object : the object, 당근
2015.04.22Ricoh GR / GR lens 18.3mm / 황학동, 2015
object : the object, 그림같은 꽃
object : the object, 그림같은 꽃
2015.04.19Ricoh GR / GR lens 18.3mm / 구의동, 2015
object : the object, 파인애플
object : the object, 파인애플
2015.04.16Ricoh GR / GR lens 18.3mm / 황학동, 2015